Pawblic Relations Specialist

About Me
I am a spritely, independent kitty who comes to work with Amy when I feel like it. When you come through the door I will definitely come to say hi! I like all people and will try to make your day a little bit better.
My Ideal Client
Anyone with a treat
Anyone that will pet me
Anyone who will listen to my thoughts and opinions
Anyone with a heartbeat
Book your Free 30 minute Inquiry call or Fill out a quick online intake to get started.
Working with Me
Well, what can I say about myself? I am a cat. I like food, so if you give me one of the treats in the waiting room I will give you lots of attention. You will probably be mesmerized by my amazing blue eyes and if you're lucky, you'll get to hear my very faint purr. I have lots to say, and at first my meow can sound a little demanding, but in actually I'm just a kitty who loves people, loves treats, and loves exploring new things.
My Experience
Meowsters Degree in Mousing and General Pest Control
Bachelor of Expressive Arts in Singing and Wand Dancing
Purrfessional Development includes: Distress Tolerance for Cat that live with preschoolers, Solution-focused Biscuit Making, and Emotionally Focused Head Butting
When I'm not at YEG FC...
I live in Amy's home which I like for the most part. There is good food and some comfy places to lounge in the sun. Surprisingly, I'm not into boxes or enclosed spaces because I used to be a stray, but give me a good mouse or bird toy and I'm on cloud nine. There are a few smaller humans in her house that I tolerate but coming to the office gives me a good break from them.