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Juanita Gnanapragasam, MSc.OT


Registered Occupational Therapist

Juanita Gnanapragasam, MSc.OT

About Me

I am an OT that LOVES helping people figure out how to occupy themselves well. That's what OT is all about. What gives you meaning? What sensory experiences affect your day to day life? What gets in the way of you doing the things you care about the most? I work with individuals and especially love helping first and second-generation Canadians, young adults, and neurodivergent folks.

My Ideal Client

I work with individuals (14+) and families. I especially love working with: 

  • Individuals striving to engage in the things that are important to them. This means ensuring you engage in activities that energize you and give you meaning and purpose. S

  • Neurodivergent clients where planning, goal-setting, and sensory differences are struggles

  • Folks with depression and anxiety who need help managing burnout, dealing with being overwhelmed, engaging in recreational activities, or implementing a healthier habit or routine

  • Those who find themselves in career and life transitions (including transitions from high school to university and university to career, changing career paths, retirement, unexpected loss or change of career)

  • Those struggling to cultivate meaningful social relationships

  • Newcomers, first, second and third-generation Canadians with managing cultural expectations and navigating occupational injustices due to racism

Book your Free 30 minute Inquiry call or Fill out a quick online intake to get started.

Working with Me 

What occupies you? This is a question that most of us don't think about that much! 

I approach every client interaction with curiosity and empathy and enjoy gaining a holistic picture of your mental wellness. What does a healthy, happy, thriving life look like for YOU? Especially important in my role is understanding what you would be DOING in that ideal life. That means delving into activities that give you meaning and purpose and bring you toward your vision for mental well-being. During session and sometimes out in the community, we will spend our time together on skill-building, trying new activities, or modifying current ones.

I also use Accelerated Resolution Therapy (a trauma therapy that started under the auspices of EMDR) to help clients overcome specific sensory and trauma-related events that are getting in the way of their well-being and engagement in the community.

My Experience

  • Master of Occupational Therapy University of Alberta

  • Registered Occupational Therapist with Alberta College of Occupational Therapists, #5560

  • Master of Public Health University of Alberta

  • Membership with Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT)

  • Member with Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists, World Federation of Occupational Therapists, and the Canadian Public Health Association  

  • Basic Accelerated Resolution Therapy® Training for Trauma

  • Neurodiversity-Affirming Occupational Therapy

  • Training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy , Solution-Focused Therapy, and Systematic Desensitization

When I'm not at YEG FC...

I’m an avid baker and cake decorator and I’m parent to a gracefully aging Havanese dog!  I enjoy volunteering my time running cooking socials in the city. I recently started dabbling in pottery, and in the summer months, I enjoy gardening and in the winter months, skiing.

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